Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Work Collaboration and Team Communication †

Question: Discuss about the Work Collaboration and Team Communication. Answer: Introduction Important decisions within an organisation are implemented by the leader or group of people in the organisation committee. The nature of decision implemented in practice depends on the type of organisation and its contextual background. Communication is considered to be an essential part of business decision making, where the management is able to take proper consent from every stakeholders before decision is being implemented. Proper communication it is possible to understand the business context and situation, under which important decisions are made and executed in practice (Ceschi et al., 2014). The current study will aim to propose the purpose guideline for business report, which discusses about the communication issues faced by Commonwealth Bank that leads to undefined decision making process. It is important to discuss about the context and background of the organisation, which will help to understand the background of the communication issues faced by the organisation. Essential data will be utilised from the background of the organisation, which help to highlight among the cause of communication issues that are faced by the bank. Cooperative communication is essential in exchanging business ideas among different group and stakeholder involved within an organisation. Gathering essential information by the activity of exchanging ideas can be time consuming, which also depends upon the size and total number of stakeholders involved in an organisation (Ceschi et al., 2014). Nevertheless, it is essential to generate all the ideas in the form of effective business communication, which is considered to be the primary part of the decision making process (Cardon Marshall, 2015). Due to lack of proper communication across different sector in an organisation in business, undefined decisions are being implemented, which do not protect the interest of every group of stakeholders. Initial step in the decision making process, involves collecting essential information from the business environment. This can involve direct interaction with every stakeholder group. Effective decision making process involved selection of choice, which can be a better alternative for future sustainability of a business organisation. It is highly challenging to follow a fixed protocol and defined path before making and implementing an important decision. This is due to the change in the business environment that can have a serious impact on the business operational process (Cornelissen Cornelissen, 2017). It is the duty of the leader of an organisation, to ensure involvement of every employee before essential decisions are being implemented. Undefined decision making increases the risk of conflict within an organisation (Nikaj et al., 2016). On the other hand, as more number of people are encourage to take part in decision making process the chance of error or undefined decision is minimised, as more creative ideas at generated. Creativity in the decision making process can be developed by original ideas, which are socially accepted within the organisation. As more number of people is involved in decision making, the chance of incorporating innovative idea can help the business achieve longer sustainability. It is also important to note that with more number of people involved in decision making, employees are being encouraged to feel their importance within the organisation. The Commonwealth Bank is one of the biggest Organisations in the financial and banking sector of Australia, Which has Global connection in European and Asian region.Bank has nearly 52000 employees, recruited mostly from Australia and New Zealand region (Cardon Marshall, 2015). Due to the frequent change in the financial and banking sector of Australia, the management of the Commonwealth Bank has to implement regular modified decisions in order to sustain the need of stakeholders. The bank follows a fixed Protocol in order to share essential information with employees and clients as important decisions are implemented in practice. Nevertheless, with rising complexity in the financial structure of the organisation, the bank is not able to follow proper consent making and process. Irregularities in decision making are one of the major challenges for the management as they are not able to maintain their rapid revenue rise rate. As the bank is opening more number of foreign branches, maintaining communication with all sectors is becoming an increasing challenge. It is also important for the bank to implement different working protocol depending upon the change in the business environment of different nations (Wen et al., 2016). Use of social media and other digital platforms are considered to be the major decision making tools that are used to take proper consent from every stakeholders. Nevertheless, the growing security concern with the increased use of social media network is one of the biggest challenges that the bank is facing in the business communication department. With growing number of Cybercrime cases, the risk of data breach is getting high. As private information is leaked in public domain, the Bank is not able to classify the process of decision making. The opinions and suggestions provided by the customer can also not be taken in consent while implementing essential decision (Cardon Marshall, 2015). Following business report will highlight upon essential communication issues that are encountered by the Commonwealth Bank that ultimately lead to undefined decision making. Essential information from the report published by the bank will be used in the business report, which will help to identify the consequence of the communication issues currently encountered by the bank. As it will be possible to highlight upon the cause of business communication issues, it will be possible to provide proper intervention strategies. As a part of recommendation strategy it is important to implement advanced form of communication strategies, which help to optimise the process of information gathering from every stakeholders of the bank. With advanced form of information that is collected with the help of the latest communication technology system, it is possible to minimize the chance of errors in the important management decisions (Pearson, 2017). It will also be possible to provide better customer care service, as a suggestion of the customer will be given prior importance in the decision making process. References Cardon, P. W., Marshall, B. (2015). The hype and reality of social media use for work collaboration and team communication. International Journal of Business Communication, 52(3), 273-293. Ceschi, A., Dorofeeva, K., Sartori, R. (2014). Studying teamwork and team climate by using a business simulation: how communication and innovation can improve group learning and decision-making performance. European Journal of Training and Development, 38(3), 211-230. Cornelissen, J., Cornelissen, J. P. (2017). Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Nikaj, A., Batoulis, K., Weske, M. (2016, October). Rest-enabled decision making in business process choreographies. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (pp. 547-554). Springer, Cham. Pearson, R. (2017). Business ethics as communication ethics: Public relations practice and the idea of dialogue. In Public relations theory (pp. 111-131). Routledge. Wen, I., Tsai, H., Bai, B. (2016, May). Glo1657 Examining the Impacts of Information Overload and Consumer Confusion on Communication and Decision-Making in the Travel Industry. In 2nd Global Tourism Hospitality Conference (p. 67).

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