Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Final Project Part I Milestone One Supply, Demand, and...

Final Project Part I Milestone One: Supply, Demand, and Market Equilibrium Click Link Below To Buy: Apple is the Company and the product is IPhone 6 3-2 Final Project Part I Milestone One: Supply, Demand, and Market Equilibrium This milestone, which covers Section II of Final Project Part I, should be a paper structured as follows: 1. Describe the price elasticity of supply or demand for your product or service. 2. Explain how two nonprice factors impact the demand of your chosen product or service. 3. Explain how two nonprice factors impact the supply of your chosen product or service. 4. Define the industry and the market†¦show more content†¦Justify your response. Assess how the type of market structure impacts your chosen company’s financial performance as measured by performance variables over the past three years. Support your response with data and graphs illustrating two performance variables of your choosing (e.g., sales, net income, stock price) over time. Answer the following question: How would possible changes in the industry’s market structure impact your chosen company’s business strategy in the future? Keep your company’s current business strategy in mind in your response. This information should be incorporated with the overview (Section I) along with the content from Milestones One and Two, reflecting the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. 8-1 Final Project Part II Milestone: Overview and Macroeconomic Variables This milestone, which covers Sections I and II of Final Project Part II, is a paper structured as follows: 1. Provide an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company, your chosen product or service, and annual sales. 2. Describe three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service. 3. 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